Great War MK logo Great War MK

Partner Projects

Festive Road

Festive Road logo

Festive Road will devise and produce an outdoor physical theatre show which will be performed at night time and will centre around a large WW1 armoured tank structure. The tank will be more than a symbol, it will become a projection backdrop, a raised performance area and a stage set from which dancers and physical performs will represent moments in the lives of ordinary people who lived through WW1.

British Mark I tank Somme 25 September 1916 
			(Photographer Ernest Brooks) - from the collections of the Imperial War Museums via Wikimedia Commons
British Mark I tank Somme 25 September 1916 (Photographer Ernest Brooks) - from the collections of the Imperial War Museums via Wikimedia Commons

These characterisations will be based on the real lives of relatives of residents of Milton Keynes, whose stories will be collected beforehand through research, which will inform the development of the theatre piece, encouraging people in the borough of Milton Keynes to investigate their family histories and drawing out extraordinary moments, differences and commonalities between the lives of people then and now.

The show will be able to tour to the outlying towns and villages of the borough and it is hoped that there will be moments in the show which will link the audience geographically to places, and events which happened to people, in the MK area 100 years ago. Other moments will link the inhabitants of the present day, to foreign places, to other countries to the relatives of the many cultures and ethnic groups of peoples who have settled in Milton Keynes over the last 40 years.